
the end...

today would have been Jim Morrison's 65th birthday. i wonder what he would have thought about being eligible for Social Security?

The End
the doors

Jim Morrison
Robby Krieger
Ray Manzarek
John Densmore

Lyrics | Jim Morrison - The End lyrics

the video is from the movie Apocalypse Now in which the song was used. an interesting story behind the story - martin sheen not only was higher than god when filming this sequence but he was also having a heart attack...

this has always been one of my favorite song by the doors. morrison is one of my heroes. for years after his death i refused to listen to his music because of the waste of life, though i would visit his grave at Cimetière du Père-Lachaise every time i was in Paris. i know... weird...

found this lyric site that has a lyric scroller. you can adjust the speed of the scrolling by clicking on the + or -. let me know what you think...

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