
long awaited darkness falls...

Casting shadows on the walls
In the twilight hour I am alone
Sitting near the fireplace, dying embers warm my face
In this peaceful solitude
All the outside world subdued
Everything comes back to me again
In the gloom
Like an angel passing through my room

ever feel this way?

there are people who love to be alone. my life doesn't have that luxury very often. i have spent my days with 700+ kids and 70 staff members all wanting a piece of my time. when i get home at night i just totally crash. for amusement i spend time on the internet catching up on the news and what's going on in the world. i'm looking forward to quality time with myself - it begins tomorrow! it's my last day at work after 38 years. seems hard to fathom at this point.

the video is a little strange but the song is my favorite by the group abba. i could not find a version with abba performing. nina hagen can be a little strange at times but i like her a lot and her rendition of this song is earthy.

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